ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems

What is ISO 14001 Environmental Management?

Achieve sustainable success by placing environmental management at the heart of your operation.
A healthy environment is a basic human right (section 24(a) of the South African Constitution)
The right to have the environment protected (section 24(b) of the South African Constitution)

Government make laws that:

  • Prevent pollution and damage to the environment
  • Promote conservation
  • Balance economic, social and environmental development

Legislation has been passed to give effect to the constitution and ALL parties must comply with the law; Individuals, Business, Government.


What are the benefits of ISO 14001 Environmental Management?

  • Reduce waste and energy usage by improved environmental management
  • Balance economic and environmental requirements within your business to build sustained success
  • Manage legal obligations and compliance to win greater stakeholder and customer trust
  • Reduce risk and limit liability
  • Reduce the cost of running your business by improved efficiency
  • Confidently prepare for the changing business landscape

Satisfying ISO 14001 means

  • Identifying the impact (effect) of the business activities on the environment
  • Managing the aspects (causes) of these impacts
  • Working to achieve objectives and targes which aim to reduce the impacts within the parameters of policy
  • By following procedures and
  • Written instructions and
  • Defining roles and responsibilities
  • Having programs and plans

Thorne Management Systems Services include:

  • Conducting a gap analysis to ascertain where your company is with regards to an Environmental Management System
  • Preparing the written paperwork for the Environmental Management System, this includes the Environmental Policy, Environmental Manual and the necessary Environmental procedures
  • Training your employees to participate in and administer the Environmental Management System
  • Training your employees to conduct internal audits and management reviews.
  • Coordinating the implementation of your system.
  • Monitoring your progress through internal audits and management reviews.
  • Aiding you in choosing a certification body
  • Assisting you with the rectification of your certification Body’s audit findings